Getting your Cat used to a Harness

cat harness, blue cat harness on adventure cat

Petra getting comfortable with her harness!

Harness training is an important part of keeping your cat safe. Whether you plan on epic outdoor adventures or you want your cat to enjoy a catio or backyard, harness training is the first step in training your adventure kitty. It is important to remember that all cats are different. Some of the steps below might take no time for one cat, days for others, and some cat’s just might not be suited for it at all – which it completely fine. Your cat is puurfect just the way they are, and will certainly let you know their boundaries!

What you need:  

  • Harness & leash 
  • Favorite treats 
  • Favorite toys 

Cat Harness Training

  1. Don’t put your harness on your cat…yet!

     It’s always exciting when you get a package in the mail, but resist the urge to put the harness on your cat immediately. Instead, you want to associate it with your cat’s favorite toys and treats. We would suggest taking anywhere from two to four days to make sure you cat has a good experience around the harness. 
    Spend 10-15 minutes during those days playing with your cat and give them treats when they show signs of comfortability around the harness. We also suggest adding your leash to the first two steps so your cat also becomes desensitized to that. 
  2. Associate treats directly with the harness

    We would put all the toys away and leave the harness and leash. Feed your kitty their favorite treats on and around the harness. 
  3. Brush and lay the harness on your cat

     When your cat is eating dinner or you are feeding them treats “brush” them with the harness. When they are comfortable with that then, with the buckles open lay it on them and give them treats. 
  4. Put the harness on your cat…one buckle at a time

    1. First buckle the harness so you cat gets used the noise.
    2. With the harness laying or resting on your cat, buckle the strap that goes around their neck and feed they their favorite treats. Make sure it is not too tight!
    3.  Do the same thing as above, but only have the buckle around their belly. 
      There is a good chance that your cat is going to feel incredibly awkward and not like this step, that is fine. Just keep reenforcing positive conditioning with treats and love. You could also try moving to the next step.   
  5. Put it all together

    Put the harness fully on your cat and give them lots of treats and love. Here you will want to create a treat trail or distract them with their favorite toy. The goal is to encourage movement. We suggest initially doing this for 5 – 10 minutes and repeating this every day and increase the time they are in the harness. Once the harness is normalized then you can start leash training! 

6.      Remember that training a cat takes time and lean into the small success!


Brands we use:

Harness & leash – Surfer Cat Luxury follow this link for 10% off or use MEOWTAINEER (all caps) at the check out. 
Favorite treats – Inaba Churu, Blue Buffalo Burst or Kitten Crunch 
Favorite toys – Petra loves string and boxes

Adventure Cat Basics


Leash Training Your Cat